It's time to pick a side, are you for evil or against it? When hundreds of innocent Israeli innocent men, women, and children were being raped and murdered in plain view by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023, there was no equivocation about the evil being carried out by those who committed these acts.
With many Jewish friends, relatives, and colleagues, I have a stake in this fight. We all have a stake in this fight. As Reverend Niemöller said so eloquently nearly 80 years ago, if you don't stand up for others in their fight against evil, there will someday be no one left to stand up for you when evil comes knocking on your door.
Evil is coming into the open around the world and across the US because people have lost their moral compass as to what is right vs wrong, truth vs lies. While I cheer on Israel's eventual victory, it will come at a great cost to all involved, especially those in Gaza who allowed evil to become embedded in their midst through their votes and their acceptance. Now, they will pay the price for their compliance, while the misguided will call for peace talks and ceasefires as if those who are evil can be trusted in anything they do or say.
You do not negotiate with evil; you confront it, isolate it, and destroy it where possible. If left untreated or acknowledged, like a cancer, it will spread and infect others who are weak or ignorant.
This is not a call for violence; this is a call to reality. If you cannot see or speak about what is happening without resorting to equivocation, then I pity you and pray that you will someday find your way back to the truth.